Easy Multiplayer - Invector
https://discord.gg/cB59FJXZrAhttps://discord.gg/cB59FJXZrAhttps://discord.gg/cB59FJXZrAFuture Plans (Includes Version Compatibility Doc): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xRHAn1sG_J9wZ4h4_xNMtRFXHfBiqNKRpHPEhvK-ZPo/edit#gid=0
Plans Moved Here: https://github.com/users/wesleywh/projects/1
* Mirror (Free)
* Invector Template v2.6.1b-2.6.2c (Basic, Melee, or Shooter - depending on tier you buy)
Old Version Needed?
I keep all older versions stored in github. If you need an older version and it's not in this package suite request it on the discord channel. Be warned, it will be ultimately up to you to reconcile all bug fixes yourself.
Full YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmqZ8pqQlB9zXlGqjTK_Ag/playlists
Discord: https://discord.gg/2gVY42pjFc
What Is Included?
* Automation for conversions, testing, and team building
* All components needed for multiplayer support - the Invector package that is supported is based on the version that you purchase
What Is This?
This is a set of custom components and invector overridden components that allow you to use the invector system in a multiplayer fashion using Mirror. The package contains automation that will convert objects, scenes or even your entire project to support multiplayer for you. This also comes with a testing suite and a team based damage system builder included.
- Server Authoritative
- Client Side Prediction
- Server Reconciliation
- Server Hit Replay
- Decomplication protection
- All components completely overridable
- NO CCU Limit
- You're only limited by the hardware you run your server on
- Pre-Built Network Manager (Completely Overridable)
- Hosted Mode and Dedicated Server Mode Supported
- Full suite of documentation and youtube tutorial videos available
- Invector Supported Features(Depending on tier purchased)
- Top-Down
- Mobile
- FreeClimb
- Swimming
- Zipline
- Basic, Melee, Shooter
- Saved states (Actions take prior to clients joining/after leaving persist)
- Minus Ladders
- Full Action Support
- Position, Rotation, Scale, Looking
- Rolling, Jumping, Climbing, Crouching, Falling
- Generic actions
- Character Status Syncing
- Health, Stamina, Dead, Jump, Crouch, etc.
- Complete Inventory Sync
- Inventory Items, Equips, Drops, Unequips, Equips, etc.
- Persistent breakables
- Persistent chests (vItemCollections)
- Melee AI Sync
- All actions: Attacking, death, health, states, stances, etc.
- Shooter Syncing
- Grenade throws, damage, particle effects, etc.
- Ammo count, weapon damage, weapon effects
- UI Elements
- Chatbox with variable rooms and private rooms
- Hit Marker
- Player Name Bars w/ variable colors based on teams
- Damage Indicators
- Kill Counters
- Event Player Hover Icons (Like icon appears over player when they are marked as dead)
IL2CPP is untested
UnityPackage's based on the support tier that you bought.